
The key to the underworld

In the following I present a syncretism of mind, science and religion. Nothing here presented is new. All of the here presented is going to be considered "modern" (fashionable, German “Mode” = fashion) again in the age that has just started. It is the recurring wisdom from the Air-age of Gemini (upper and lower Egypt), which returns in this Air age of Aquarius and which will be the nucleus of the scientific world religion for this age towards the middle of Aquarius, in approx. 600 years. Aquarius/ Uranus rules astrology. As we wake up from the mind control systems of the Piscean age, we are bound to realize how language has decayed and finally been designed as an auto- suppression tool. Every age can be divided in three decans. The decan transitions of the last 2500 years look as follows (from my personal notebook):

on the left side you find the approximate years (this depends on when we assume the ages start, I take the year 2012 but there are logical, valid other opinions, e.g. 1881, 1914, etc), you then see the 3 decans of each respective age including the constellation, the key word for this time period and on the very right, you find my interpretation of the major theme of each period.

E.g. from 582 - 1297 ACE we were in the Pisces decan of Andromeda, which was ruled by the moon. This time frame corresponds to the demise of Rome until the Middle Ages faded out. It was a time of self-sacrifice, where as a species, we made our own lives miserable. The concept of "sin" is based on the Moon ("Sin" was the Moon deity of Akkad, Babylonia), which ruled this decan. This was followed by 715 years of "verity" (truth), the decan Cepheus, ruled by Jupiter and here we experienced Renaissance (rebirth of mind) and humanism. 

The first decan of the Age of Aquarius is depicted as Cetus, the great sea- whale monster, this is our current location. It is the Libra decan of Aquarius, ruled by Venus and by far the largest constellation of all 48. Cetus is about finding a new balance after the Age of Pisces, the whale monster must spew out the lies and uncertainties of Pisces through his blowhole, the emotions of Pisces thus dissolve in fresh mental air of Libra/ Aquarius. Venus introduces its love vibrations, but the world will remain stuck in materialism for some centuries. True mental liberation will only set in between 2,500-2,700 ACE, when Pegasus takes over! 

What you have just read is a prophecy, because this is what a prophecy means: a speaking of truth based on scientific knowledge of the zodiac.

Greek prophetia: "the gift of interpreting the will of god"
"will of god" = wheel of Gad = zodiac

The final versions both the German and the English language were created by biblical scholars, the former by the controversial character Martin Luther (he created the first bible in German language and suggested to burn down the houses of all Jews and he also revived fear in a big way), the latter by Shakespeare/ aka Francis Bacon, head of the King James council (thousands of new words introduced). As religion, myth and language were one and the same in Egypt and Egypt is the mother of all religions, we therefore find an Egyptian element in Germanic languages (English is a Germanic language), which extended itself through the myth, religion and “alphabets” of the ages, all the way from proto-Cananite to the Western/ Persian and Cyrillic alphabets:

It can be recognized by any three year old, that the main Alphabets from the first (Phoenician, note, that Phoenicians called themselves "Ethiopians", not Phoenicians!) to the newest (Latin, Western, Cyrillic, Persian) are based on the same religio-scientific ideas, the same symbols, the same original concept and they carry the same meaning (more or less). The key is to focus on similarities, not on differences. Differences separate, similarities unite:

When language trees are shown, they usually stop at the “Proto- Indo – European”, which excludes Africa and Asia, here an example:

When you dig deeper you will find “theories” about yet earlier common levels, such as this:

This kind of "theory" suggests a common basis of Afro-Asiatic and Eurasiatic (these are not my word constructions) languages. The depiction above is in so far correct. What is wrong in such theories is that it suggests that "Egyptian", Semitic, etc did not form the basis of Indo- European languages and that it represents a different arm of language development, which is a mistake. Language development was not always linear! At the very least, some Semitic and Egyptian words have been re-introduced into German languages by the religious language designers. This is a fact, simple example: Greek word for Heru was Horus, this gives us the English "hour". Another one of my favorites is "wizard" which is clearly derived from "wizzer", which was an early name of Asar (Greek Osiris). 

The fact is, that Canaan was an outpost of the Ethiopian empire, inhabited by black Africans. The same is true for India, where the originals were the black Dravidians in the Kush area (as Kushites, from the ancient Kingdom of Kush in what is today called "Africa". The name "Africa" is based on Scipio Africanus, who defeated Catharge. The land is named after the conqueror, not the man after the land). The same is true for Europe (Yoruba), where Moorish-Ethiopian people inhabited the Mediterranean south during and after the last ice age, these are the “mysterious” (yeah, right, for those under Masonic- Caucasian mind control) cultures in Italy (Etruscans), Greece (Minoans, who “mysteriously” disappeared) and in Spain (Moors ruled even later, from 700-1492 ACE). The same is true for the Americas, where the Mound Builders and the black Olmecs lived for thousands of years before any Asian or European people settled. When the Moorish empire gave way to the Caucasian imperialists in what is today called USA, the co-rulership was undermined, European Masons rewrote world history and blacks were made to believe that they were imported from Africa. I might do a full blog entry on this subject.Slavery is the most cunning tool to eliminate birthright of conquered people. This is why we find the Seal of the Moors on the 1$-bill. The Caucasian seal is on the right, the Roman eagle. This is why we have TWO SEALS.

If you understand ceremonial/ chaos magic you should know that these are two sigils....not one. The only possible reason can be that there are two equally qualified parties involved in the often misunderstood undertaking of creating a new secular order. The pyramid is the seal of the ancient Moors, the eagle is a symbol created in ancient European empires, e.g. Rome and is the Seal of the Europeans who entered "America" (another misnomer).

Why is it so important to get the historic record straight? Plenty of reasons, we need to understand our roots, otherwise we cannot grow. One aspect of this is that we need to understand the origin and meaning of the languages that we are using today. We absolutely need to realize that we are using sound containers for communication which carry a meaning that in most cases, we dont understand at all. We are thus under a spell, which is the spelling. Deeper truths can not be communicated in such empty or misleading sound-containers. For seeking truth we therefore have to move back to symbols and myth for greater understanding, as our forefathers have done before the Roman world invasion and the Vatican- Roman Catholic church took control of world affairs during the age of Pisces. Rome rules today. In the below I will first expand on some basic myth (high science) and then discuss some hidden aspects of the most powerful symbol available to mankind. Sounds promising?

The underworld, or Amenta, or Abyss, or in the latest, spiritually most confused version called „hell“ is and always has been and always will be, our life on planet Earth. To “enter Amenta”, to “go to the Abyss” or to “descend into the underworld”, means that a divine, psycho-physical spark of universal consciousness, channeled through the sun (demiurge) of the respective solar system (“sol”, sun, Sonne, soul, helios, Horus, Jesus, etc) enters material, physical, unconscious flesh to gather self- experience. The divine father thus meets unconscious, physical nature. This is typified as the “death” of the soul, or better, its mummification, ergo preservation in a sleep-state. The mummy in Egypt was called KRST, or “karast” and this is the origin of the word “Christ” (via the detour of Greek “Christos” which means oil). Oil is used for mummification. These are the basic elements defining the Christ, there are of course more. The Christ/ KRST is referring to a universal principle implanted in unconscious matter.

This planetary significance is the external meaning of all myth relating to the terms such as “hell” or “Amenta”, it is life on earth. The concept called “soul” (sol means sun) is a universal, occult principle of nature. It is occult (hidden) because it cant be perceived by our 5 basic senses. This doesn’t mean that it is not there, it only means that we can`t perceive it or prove it in the scientific methodology. This is the point where 5-senses based material science is destined to fail and needs to reach out to its twin brother, religion. These two siblings have been separated by European invaders in Africa 2,000 years ago and it is time to reunite them, because they need each other. For sake of completeness, in the zodiac Amenta is entered in Libra, the exit (bible Exodus in the Old and Crucification in the New Testament) is achieved in the spring equinox, this means, last Friday.

The internal meaning, on the micro plane so to speak, is that the “underworld” represents our subconscious, our psyche, or the astral world, or, as the genius Khemau priests termed it, the night sky, or “Nut”. This is the Christian/ Islam/ Jewish/ Buddhist/ Hindu/ xy/ Masonic/ put any religion here - concept called “heaven”. If you go to heaven you enter your higher mind, activate your right brain hemisphere, you become lucid both night and day, you have both eyes open, figuratively speaking. You reach “freedom”, which means that you get your dome free, your dome being your head. If thy will is done in heaven as on earth (Nut and Geb), then this refers to the hermetic synchronizing of your conscious thoughts and your subconscious mind through...what? Through the breath (Shu)!. You unite Nut and Geb, earth and heaven, you harmonize yourself with your very own higher nature. And this union happens to be the grand goal of all spiritual systems, the problem is, that currently nobody remembers this and the priest class of the above systems don’t actively teach it.

The deities or “gods” (the most confusing term) of all religious systems of any geographic area or age of history, have represented and are eternally representing rules of mind, which are like whirlpool attractors that influence our being and that give structure to our higher and lower self. This is what Khemau African mind scientists called “Neteru” and from this term we have derived the modern English/ Germanic word “nature”/ “Natur”. No language connection from Egyptian to Germanic languages? It is the same word as in ancient Egypt and we must raise our thoughts again to grasp the original, deep meaning of this term. The universal mind is nature, and we are a fractal of universal mind, each one of us.

This beautiful wheel (will) is the key to the underworld, because it shows, how subconscious mind, or the “universe”, operates and “thinks”. It is possible to further break down each decan into 12 and again each 12th part into 12, this goes into infinity. First step is to be aware of the four seasons (child level), next we have the 12 zodiac areas of the year (adult level), next are the above 36 decanates/ decans (which your Deacon in church should be teaching you, because this is the meaning of his name), this is the entry point to the mystic level of thinking. Everything beyond this point has the potential to lead to illumination. The sun illuminates the zodiac areas throughout the year. The same can take place in your mind.

The Khemau have spent several hundred thousand years visualizing this fundamental truth and they have succeeded in mapping out the complete inner psyche of man, which they accomplished by observing the external night sky, mapping it and making right brain associations between their inner and outer realities. Based on these observation and further explorations of their infinite, internal heart-mind through trance and ritual, they have succeeded in extracting the fundamental Laws of Neteru (rules of universal mind) and then translated these into 12 basic, human needs, which each and every one of us experiences during “death”, which is our life on earth. These are the following and in case you are not convinced, see if anything is missing or anything “wrong” from your point of view, or you maybe have a suggestion on how to improve the wisdom collected during several hundred thousand years:

Aries – the need to fight, to make a stand, to have friction
Taurus – the need to satisfy the 5 senses, to have wealth
Gemini- the need to learn, study and communicate
Cancer- the need to nurture and to belong, to rest
Leo- the need to be your own master (control emotions) and to have offfspring
Virgo – the need to solve problems through analysis and to provide service
Libra – the need for love, partnership, harmony and balance
Scorpius – the need for sex, magic, transformation and mystery
Sagittarius – the need for meaning and illumination
Capricorn – the need for mundane achievements
Aquarius – the need for brotherhood and knowledge
Pisces – the need for peace, self- undoing, secrets and mysticism

Each of these areas in our lives has a certain vibration and each vibration correlates to a certain time of the year, a certain aspect, or quality of sun rays. These again correspond to planetary vibrations and electro-magnetic aspects of nature, to certain substances, to certain stones, to certain colors, moods, tones, metals, notes, etc. It is all connected through vibration. If we say that a "father" has sent a son/ sun to us, this means that sound frequencies have created a sun that in turn creates a solar system, in which the souls are (solar). It is fun to play with language, once you realize that it makes sense to do this and leads to higher understanding. Etymologists, eat your heart out! The roots that you show never go back to Khemau hieroglyphs and the main reason is, that you can’t read and understand them. But the knowledge is returning to us….

The world should come to realize, that all annual holidays celebrated by the human family are based on the quarters, decans, constellations and keywords of this wheel. I might quickly break them down, just to demonstrate the point:

Christmas: 3 days after winter solstice
New Year: entry into the Taurus decanate (exaltation of the Moon) of Capricorn
Epiphany: 12 days after Christmas, to represent the sun going through all 12 signs
Ground Hog: 40 days after winter solstice
Valentines Day. Libra (partnership, love) decanate in Aquarius
Lent: 40 days before spring equinox (Pisces deprivation)
Fool`s Day: entry of Leo decanate (blind courage, stupidity)  in Aries 
Easter: 1st Sunday after 1st full moon after spring equinox (sun resurrected)
May Day: entry of Virgo decanate (Maypole errrected for virgin matter) in Taurus
Mother`s Day: 2nd Sunday in May (usually Auriga, Mastership, because the mother is the master builder)
Ascension day: 40 days after Easter
Father`s Day: 3rd Sunday in June (Aquarius decan in Gemini, male Reason)
Homeland Day: July 4, Scorpius decanate in Cancer (home), note the Mars fireworks
Labour Day: 1st Monday in September (Herkules decanate, 12 labors are the 12 zodiac)
Halloween: last day of Scorpius decanate in Scorpius (incarnation in flesh about to take place)
All Saints: entry into the Pisces decanate in Scorpius (incarnation has taken place)
Thanksgiving: 4 weeks before Christmas, Sagittarius decanate in Sagittarius. Note that this holiday is fixed by Presidential note, so there is a commercial/ business factor involved. The idea of the decanate is Devotion, not to go shopping or eating like crazy.

Each of these holidays has a crystal clear, astrological meaning, which corresponds to the great story in the sky which is told by the 36 decan constellations. All of these festivities are therefore based on the wheel of Gad (Tribe of Gad = Hebrew Aries in the sun papyrus, aka helios biblios) – misnomer or exoteric version: “will of god”. Same goes for Hindu/ Jewish, etc holidays (holy = sunny days = deities).

The wheel also shows involution (12 ideas of creation) Aries to Pisces.

The wheel also shows evolution (12 actions of the unfolding) from Pisces to Aries

There are 3 divine crosses (3 modes):

Here we find 4 wombs in which 4 seeds are planted. The respective seeds must die to produce new life, therefore these are 4 exits. 

Here we find 4 infoldings into new seeds. These are therefore generative areas.

Here we find 4 unfoldings out of the respective seeds. 

These are 4 divine trinities (4 cycles):

These are the above divine crosses arranged into elemental cycles. A period of gestation takes place in the quarter that doesn`t include the respective element. In the Earth cycle, the seed of physical matter is created in Taurus, it is planted in Virgo and unfolds in Capricorn (life in the body of flesh)

In the Water cycle, the emotional seed of love is created in Scorpio (feelings of the parents during sex), it is planted in Pisces and unfolds in Cancer (soul liberated, this is Jerusalem, Heru-Islam, Horus-Salem, the place of heavenly peace)

In the Air cycle, the mental seed is created in Aquarius (your thought structure as adult individual), it is planted in Gemini and unfolds in Libra (opening the book of life, entering the judgment hall of Ma`at, which takes place at the beginning and during life in flesh, not thereafter!)

In the Fire cycle, the seed of will and intuition is created in Leo in the form of a heart seed (decision to incarnate), it is planted in Sagittarius (in the bible called "Lucifer") and unfolds in Aries (birth of the divinized, 2nd Adam, resurrection)

Below the birth chart of the universe, showing the 4 beasts that Ezekiel saw, which correspond to the 4 New Testament gospels (gad spells = zodiac areas, aka 4 seasons). This is why you see a man, a bull, a lion and an eagle on basically every Christian church today :

ONE LAW: Sex (electro-magnetism) = Scorpius = Mathew (Matiu, Ma`at) = WATER
ONE AGENT: Form = Taurus = Mark (March, to march) = EARTH
ONE TRUTH: Mind = Aquarius = John (Anup, J.O.H.N.) = AIR
ONE PRINCIPLE: Will = Leo = Luke (Lux, light, the sun) = FIRE

For the Christian apologists and believing sheep out there, here below the 12 names of Jesus, as he “plays” the sun moving through the 12 mansions that our father created for us, according to divine St. John. These mansions are the houses of astrology. I also added the 12 Khemau Neteru, which I base on teachings of Dr. Alim Bey, but slightly modified according to my view ( Shu as Air deity in Gemini and Ptah in Sagittarius, Ju-Ptah, or Jupiter, or Jew Peter, rules both Sagittarius and Pisces). Christian mysticism is a highly rewarding, hermetic mystery system to study and it includes some of the most beautiful poetry ever brought to paper.The world must stop to take it literal. The discussions about Jesus must stop, it is the message  of the allegories that truly count.   

you can follow Iesous`steps through the zodiac, one by one, scene by scene, verse by verse.

This wheel also shows the soul cycle, which I have described here.

This wheel also shows many of the appropriate, metaphysical correspondences of our active Alphabets:

This is a fantastic exercise to expand your mind. Think of any word and see in which part of the wheel the letters are located. I give some examples above, noteworthy: QRSTU, SKORPION, STYX, ZYON, GNOSYZ, the Masonic G/7 at the top, etc. Want to know where the river Styx must be crossed? Easy, it runs between Sagittarius and Pisces. Want to know, where Eden is? It is located in Gemini. You  get the idea. In many cases, this wheel will provide the right "flavor" of words, especially in the religious area. Most sacred, religious words take letters from all four corners to signal divine completeness. 

The wheel is also the basis of our numerical system. (currently forgot which source this was, I think it was Alvin Boyd Kuhn, or Carey)

The wheel can reveal our destiny and purpose in life (proper birth chart interpretation, according to the correct, ancient principles, not the modern "I am Leo, so I have courage" stuff. It is also not a tool for fortune telling, however it has ALWAYS been used throughout history, to time events, in order to achieve harmony of vibrations. This is why great emperors employed astrologers - and this is still the case today, make no mistake on that. If a war is to start in any given year, it will most likely "happen" in the first decan of Aries (May 22-30).

This wheel, if you meditate on it, will give answers to all questions. To study and meditate on your own birth chart is the meaning to “praise the Law-ward”, or Lord (Hebrew Adon). It is the key task advised by the Book of the Dead, the Papyrus of Ani.

This wheel is the biggest treasure of the human family, and it has the power to eliminate all conflicts in the world and unite all religions and create peace. For some believers it may seem difficult to accept the true meaning of the bible, to more and more people it will instead come as liberation of mind (free the dome).

This wheel is religion.

This wheel is science.

This wheel is mind.

Anyone out there who wants to know learn how to understand your own birth chart, I advise we all start studying hieroglyphics and intensify studies of the Book of the Dead (you are the dead in this life on earth) the oldest religious book of the world. This is no easy path, but extremely rewarding. Only in this way we can get the teaching from the horse`s mouth, no intermediaries, no priests, no churches, with direct access to divine knowledge, no translations by obscure priests, no language confusion, no bad translations. Hieroglyphs are chaos fractals, we can literally dive into them, they have endless depth.

Anybody interested in their own chart, I supply 3 page summaries, which do not focus only on interpretation, but much more importantly, teach how to interpret your chart for yourself. Because you are the best interpreter of your own subconscious and the truth that you give to yourself has the potential to set you free (free your dome). This is the original, true path of ancient initiation. I charge €300 per chart, for several reasons. First reason is that I don’t have time to do work for people who are not geniously interested, second is that it takes me about 4-5 hours to create and individualize such a document, the third reason is that I want to give people the opportunity to give something back and finally, this is really not my business at all and I only offer the service for the sake of offering it, to make my knowledge available. I use such money to further the cause of human enlightenment (e.g. study more literature and supply more information through this blog here). In case you are interested, write a note to me through the comment box and include your e-mail address. I will not publish your comment and instead write back to you by email directly.

Shalom, Islam, Peace, Hotep!


The end of the double pact for the Age of Pisces

Dome of St. Peter`s Basilica, Vatican City
The bowl shape and the hole in the middle are of highest significance

In the previous blog entry I have hinted at the deeper meaning of the wheel of Gad (King James translation "will of god") and how it represents the cycle of reincarnation of the human soul (sol, sun spark). (side note: the wheel also explains both involution and evolution and is the key to the human psyche and it also shows the creation/ universe thinking process of the eternal. The zodiac is without doubt the greatest treasure of humanity. Anyone dismissing it is depriving himself of possible illumination.

St. Peter`s square is nothing but astrology. It shows the cardinal directions 
and the galactic plane and in the center we find an Egyptian obelisk, 
which tells us openly, where the priesthood got this science from.

The CERN dome, note that it has a hole on the top, just like all 
major cathedrals and domes in the world

It can be easily seen and proven in 1,000 ways that the entire Vatican/ Roman Catholic Church (The Holy Cat, the sphinx, the human body, half animal, half man) is based on the African mind science, which today is called astrology. The entire Vatican (I use this term collectively for the entire Christian scene today) including all churches, cathedrals and domes are overflowing with astrological symbols, which are not explained to church goers. The Vatican happens to hold back the key to liberation of humanity, nothing more and nothing less. It is actually holding two keys - the one to the Golden Gate and the one to the Silver Gate, as shown in their coat of arms below:

Vatican coat of arms
The silver key and the gold key, which unlock Gemini and Sagittarius respectively in the soul cycle
The crown represents the trinity (in astrology cardinal/ fixed/ mutual)
Note how the Vatican elevates the physical (cross) above everything else.

The golden key corresponds to knowledge of Astrology
The silver key corresponds to knowledge of Tarot

The priesthood is currently sitting on this treasure and jealously guarding it, because this Egyptian system holds the set of keys for world rulership, as we will learn. I provide my share of decoding the symbols in the text below. I have only just started to grasp the magnitude of this truth a few months ago, so allow me to present what I have so far. It is certainly more that one can digest quickly. Be invited to complete the picture! The truth is unstoppable.

Twin jet nebulae, one of hundreds of examples, 
how the bi-bowls work

A big push forward came when I watched “Primer Fields” on Youtube, which in my opinion is nailing the truth, it is spot on. If you are interested in science and haven’t seen it, watch it. It scientifically proves how a very distinct creation phase of the universe works during which visible matter is created from black chaos in the form of plasma ("fire"). Take note how “modern” physics describe the 4 states of matter (here) and how this is 1:1 the same as ancient astrology.

Earth = solid
Water = liquid
Air = gas
Fire = plasma
the four elements - yesterday and today and forever more
these are the building blocks of the universe

Modern science and astrology agree, because they have to agree, because astrology is the mother of all sciences. Primer Fields visibly demonstrates how matter is transformed into plasma (Fire), which is the way that our sun (Helios, Horus, Jesus) and how all suns are created. The curious thing is that only three parts of the series were published, while in part I it was announced that part IV would contain “a revolutionary re- interpretation of CERN data”. The author then left a note in his Youtube-channel that he “doesn’t have the time” to continue this movie series (see here). Interesting coincidence. Sounds like in a bad movie, doesn`t it. Well, what David LaPoint gave us is already a lot and in the following I will not repeat what is explained in the series but rather build right on top of this data and show how David`s findings are in complete harmony with astrological symbols, constellations and metaphysical concepts of the sun papyrus/ aka “holy bible”. This is big. What I am releasing below is not based on some some guess work, it is part of a grand, hidden scientific truth, which is slowly surfacing in our age. I will try to show why the series had to be stopped, because it came too close to the hidden truth too quickly. We are supposed to catch on to the truth in this age, but not so fast. But as I say, the divine truth is unstoppable.

picture from Primer Fields 
This is how plasma is created through electro-magnetism

In order to follow the magnitude of this blog entry, you first need to study what is presented in the Primer Field series and reflect on the findings (it is a simple finding with a very profound impact for both science and spirituality, two aspects of life seemingly at dispute, which is due to the fact that spiritual aspects of nature are not perceivable by the five senses and cannot be measured in the laboratory). These findings are here to stay, they won`t go away again. Traditional (university) science should take note sooner, rather than later, if they wish to make some progress. The central message of "Primer Fields" are two bowl-shaped electro- magnetic fields, which create a toroid field in unison to create an orb of plasma (visible matter in the form of “fire”). The word “bowl”, when spoken, is basically the same word as “bull”.

The red bowl gives you wings! 
Indeed, it does...

The Red Bull logo uses the same wordplay (see above), and it shows one of the most ancient religious symbols, which is the sun between two mountains (or lions), in this case between a double bull (bi-bull), this logo holds a crystal clear religious message. In the exact same way, we have in Primer Fields a double bowl, a “bi-bowl”. And you may note that this word is also practically identical with the spoken word “bible”. The bible contains two parts, an Old Testament (OT) and a New Testament (NT). The first is mainly about a lunar volcano deity called Yahwe (one of the 7 Elohim), thus the color of this book is blood red, as for planet Mars in Aries (the wars and slaying of enemies are allegories of the sol breaking free from flesh, it is NOT real history). The second book is about a heavenly principle descending to earth in human form, which is played by Ya-Shu-Wa, having the Egyptian air deity “Shu” added in the middle, thus the color of this book is heavenly blue. This bible/ bi-bowl or bi-bull (note that papal decrees are also “papal bulls”) linguistically corresponds to the bi-bowl of electric fields that create a sun/ Demiurge (remember, English is the youngest of all languages, so this kind of wordplay was created by the priest class when the Shakespeare council created the King James translation, Shakespeare was an artist name of Francis Bacon, he left the undeniable proof of this in Psalm 46, this was his esoteric signature).

Next, we note that the bible in its final form (after much revision and eliminating texts, the Apocrypha) has been constructed as a double pact (the Greek word for “Testament”, Diatheke, signifies a one-sided, legal pact) in and for the age of Pisces by the high clergy (which are the modern successors and heirs of the priests of Amun-Ra, Canaan and Babylon, there can be no doubt). The OT contains the Torah (English spoken “Taura`”), which is the (war heavy, Marsian) pact for the Age of Aries (roughly 2000 BCE – 0 ACE), based on texts from the age of Taurus (roughly 4000 BCE – 2000 BCE). In the age of Pisces (roughly 0 ACE – 2000 ACE) however, the Greek Ptolemies (who grabbed Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great) created the NT, New Covenant (Testament, Diatheke) in Koine Greek, to produce the combined Bible (bi-bull, bi-bowl), or double pact for the Age of Pisces. Important thing to note at this point is that the astrological symbol of Pisces IS showing the two bowls (see above). And it is also showing the two “exits” from the structure, as shown in Primer Fields and displayed thousandfold on Hubble images.

Next, we take note that the astrological symbol for Taurus is also showing the bowl structure (see above), this time the plasma ball and only one of the two bowls (the upper, red, electric, divine, fire, masculine one). This IS the Torah (Taura`) that was created during the age of Taurus and brought to paper by the so-called Jews (IU/ JU plural, "male-female" androgyne deities, this is not a race or tribe, but an exiled spiritual class from ancient Khemet) during the age of Aries. They were a slightly different cast than the original Hebrews (Heb Heru, House of Horus, the priests of the light of Egypt).

Torus (Taurus) field around Mother Earth

This Taurus linguistically also corresponds to the torus field (Taurus - torus, same word, when spoken), also referred to as “toroidal” field.

Next, take note that Pisces is the great fish mother of the ancient world, the place of birth of the second Adam, which is divinized man, represented and “played” by Jesus in the NT. This is the place where the mutable waters (the collected experiences and feelings that were gathered during incarnation) are transformed (mutated) into the basis of the next sol cycle. Whereas in Aries (arise! anagram) the Christ (KRST) is born (the Vatican moved the festival of Christmas from spring equinox to the winter solstice in 356 ACE, in order to accommodate the fact that Mithras and Bacchus were born at the winter solstice, this was a spiritual marketing trick). Taurus on the other hand represents the bull of matter, which the Orion constellation intends to slay, Orion representing the mummy of Osiris, which in Khemet was called “KRST”, the Karest, or “Christ”. This topic is quite complex, but it all fits like a glove. 

IF Orion (the sol hero) succeeds in slaying the bull, it may move on to the next phase of transformation in Gemini, where in the 5th degree he passes the Silver Gate (one of the two Vatican keys). If the silver key is not available and the KRST didn’t succeed in slaying the bull, then the place of heavenly peace, Cancer, the Scarab, Jerusalem, cannot be reached. Instead, and here I am guessing, the sol may make a cross move to Scorpio on the galactic plane (the galactic plans is touched by Taurus and Sagittarius, the signs Gemini to Scorpio lie above it). The sol misses the fiery bull`s eye (Aldebaran) and instead moves to “score” in “pi”, the measure of the circle.

The two bowls creating an entire milky way galaxy - same concept
The visible part is therefor in the form of a ring or flat disk, 
the same phenomenon can be seen on planet Saturn

Enough to get the head spinning? Here is more:
The Bible creates Jesus out of “Psalms”, means:
The bi-bowl creates the sun out of plasma

“Plasma” is an anagram of “psalm”. This is a typical, priestly linguistic trick, if you study scripture, you should be aware. The translation of the OT from Hebrew to Greek (Septuagint) was already a disaster, much more so the translation of the NT from Greek to Latin and then to English (King James magick).  If you are not yet familiar with the art of the Magi/ Magick, study Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Santos Bonacci, and read "Piso Christ". With these four sources alone you will be busy at least one year, if you study several hours per day. If you wish to dismiss any information provided here, you need to dismiss these authors and sources as well, which would be very foolish in case you haven`t studied them. Dismissing information without looking at it is by far the most foolish thing to do. This just as small hint for the "nay"-sayers out there. It takes a lot of time and effort to crack these codes.

The child (planet) contains the seed of the father (sun), 
in the likeness of the father, the bible is pure science!

Next, note that the earth contains a miniature sun in its core (earth core, see above). According to the law of correspondences, man also contains such a miniature sun, therefore we have an “aura” (aur = gold, golden light of the sun inside, these are our very own Primer Fields). So the entire concept of the double bowl also holds true for planet earth and for each human being.

Note the toroid has two exits...

From what I gather from Primer Fields, the plasma particles (sol sparks = us) can either exit the cycle (reincarnation cycle) at the bottom, through the blue bowl, which according to all myth would be negative or “bad” in terms of sol development, most definitely corresponding to the much feared “second death” of Khemet and illuminated St. Paul, the most inspired, Gnostic writer of the sun papyrus, who was transformed from Saul to Paul by the Roman Church as “revenge” after his death. Or the sol spark may “ascend” through the red bowl “to heaven” (Red Bull gives you "wings"!).

The "dome” of earth may at times be too full of “particles” (= souls). It is a known scientific fact that the earth changes its polarity every couple of thousand years, which is the magnetic pole shift. Now, wouldn’t it be fitting if it does this, when the “dome” becomes too full? Meaning, when there are too many incarnated beings on it? Would it not perfectly fit the picture, as during the Iron Age (Pisces) people were prohibited by the Vatican to make their ascension? People simply couldn’t get the hell out of this place in that age (“hell” corresponds to helios, a place of light, which is summer, where it is hot). I showed in my previous blog entry how an air baptism is necessary for ascension, in the most recent past people couldn’t get it, and people could not complete their sol cycle and the earth is therefore somewhat crowded. This is as we move out of the Iron Age. I am painting this picture merely as somewhat of an analogy, but there is most definitely some truth in this.

To complete this blog entry, here below the rough sol cycle:

LEO: the free sol (fixed Fire) makes the courageous move to enter the reincarnation cycle (here lies much spiritual confusion between the "fall" and the "descent", one voluntarily, the other a necessity, or punishment). In Leo the spiritual heart, which will be the blueprint of the next physical heart, is formed, this will be the seed carrier of the divine spark during physical life. The holy grail (constellation Crater, the Cup) is filled with the blood of the sun (photons, symbology emphasized in the Rosicrucian system) and the cup is offered to physical matter (Virgo).

VIRGO: here the divine seed is implanted in virgin matter (mutable Earth) by the "masturbating" deity (e.g. Kepher-Ra). This is one of the two wombs in the cycle, the ancient great water mother (Mary, Meri, Venus, Tiamat, Typhon, Thallath, Apt, later Isis) the physical womb for the spiritual, divine seed. It is the house of bread (Beth lekhem, Beth-Anu), the house of life and wine (divine blood of the sun). Mary Elizabeth is the mother of the first Adam, John the Baptist, which is unspiritualized man.

LIBRA: matter here is activated by the divine wind (holy ghust, cardinal Air, the breath of life), the sol seed enters the judgement hall of Ma`at, which is the gate to entering the physical, human body. Here the celestial heart seed is weighed against a feather and if too heavy, the sol spark incarnates accordingly (cardinal Air).This is the place of judgement, which takes place before and most of all, during life, not is some hypothetical afterlife. The heart see will judge and it will act as the "mind" during lifetime (the mind is not the brain).

SCORPIO: in this house of death and transformation, the sol spark "dies" (is mummified, poisoned or falls asleep) and transformed into human, physical emotional attributes (fixed Water), it loses its memory, poisoned by the Scorpio sting and intoxicated by spirit (the wine). At this point the zodiac passes beneath the galactic plane, the "underworld", or Amenta, or Abyss, which represents life on earth. 

SAGITTARIUS: here Prometheus/ Lucifer brings the sol spark (mutable Fire) from the gods to the creature that is now half animal, half man. The lower, animal half is stampeding ahead, while the divine, upper half is still looking back and aiming its arrow at the heart of the Scorpio that stung him. Lucifer, the light bringer, represents the divine soul on its descent ("lightning from heaven"). Phosphorus is essential for brain functions.

(Short note on the Winter solstice: here the 7 Elohim, the brute forces of physical life, are released on the sol. This is the lowest point in the sol cycle, here the KRST (Christ), the mummified (preserved) sol spark is quickened, not born! It is offered in the manger for the animals to consume as divine food. Jesus is clearly not born here, the Vatican has made a mess of the symbols for marketing purposes. Jesus is born in Pisces. In the winter solstice it can be said that the Christ is born in the human body, but this principle is eternal, so the term "birth" is somewhat misleading.)

CAPRICORN: here the physical body containing the sol comes into operation (cardinal Earth) and the sol starts moving upward again, using the physical experience as stepping stone for developing itself. The lowest point in the sol cycle has been passed. This sign is ruled by Saturn and "Satan" means nothing more or less than deity incarnated in physical flesh. The sea goat represents the principle of evolution, just like Cancer on the opposite side of the wheel is involution, the place where physical experience is folded back into the form of a seed.

AQUARIUS: this represents adult life associated to learning and knowing things (fixed Air), the two rivers emerging from this sign are air (spirit) and water (matter), the milk of Isis and the water flood of Nephtys (which is not and never has been a physical flood). The flood is the submersion of celestial fire into the waters of matter. Noah needs to build his ark here and steer it to Mt. Ararat (Cancer, this is where you find the constellation Argo). 

PISCES: this is the second womb of the wheel, the ancient great fish mother (Vishnu, Ioannes, Dagon, Atergatis, Neith) which gives the "2nd birth", birthplace and womb of the transformed sol spark as divine mind (man, min, mind), in the NT played by Iesous (the higher mind). This is also the place for Carneval (latin: "goodbye to flesh"), shortly before leaving the body at Easter. The Book of the Dead (better Book of divine coming forth) tells us that Isis conceives (in this case new moon at the winter solstice) and Neith gives birth (Pisces). 

ARIES: "arise" anagram, here the sol leaves the body (cardinal fire), which is the Exodus.The children of IS-RA-EL may now leave Egypt (the lower six signs Libra to Pisces) and enter the promised land (upper six signs). They cross the celestial river Eridanus. This is the place of resurrection of the redeemed solar saviors of all ages and religions (Horus, Jesus, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, etc), ritually celebrated in Easter/ Ostara/ Ishtar/ Ester/ a star, the star of the East, the place where all stars rise.The sols leave the boat of the moon and enter the solar boat of heaven. 

TAURUS: together with Scorpio, this is second generative area are in the cycle. This is the place where the information of the physical heart, collected during life (really "death"), is implanted into the sol vehicle, the spiritual body that one will be occupying in "hell" (helios, German "hell" = light, Leo, summer area). Note how the Vatican has twisted this process in a grotesque way, using the art of the Magi, Magick (language based implanting of imagery). Taurus represents transformation from the physical back to the invisible, just like Scorpio represented the opposite. The second eye of Horus is restored here, the one that represents spiritual sight (Aldebaran, the bull`s eye).

GEMINI: this is the spiritual counterpart to Sagittarius, so here the fire (sol) returns "to the gods". It is also celestially represented by Orion, who slays the bull and whose loin isthe Orion Nebulae, the birthplace of stars (souls), the place of the throne, where you find the all-seeing eye. The sol in its ascension is now reunited with its spiritual twin. Duality, sexuality, electro-magnetic existence is transcended and the sol vehicle is transfigured "on the mount" (precisely between Gemini and Cancer), freeing itself of all physical attributes and leaving the time-space paradigm. 

CANCER: finally, this is the much desired place of heavenly peace, Aarru Hetep, Islam Peace, Heru Hotep, Allah Shalom. The sol is now free from the physical but it carries the new Earth seed within it, just like Capricorn carried the sol seed on the opposite side of the wheel. The cycle is about to begin again...

LEO: The new spiritual heart of Leo is created, the sol prepares to reincarnate again, see beginning.


Be invited to participate in cracking the riddle of the soul cycle together. This is the real Da Vinci Code going on here (I didnt watch any of these movies, but I am pretty sure they are nonsense). So far I have decoded about half of the 12 zodiac symbols (e.g. the 69 of the the crab referring to miles between equator to the North pole)….we need all twelve to get the full picture. Let`s put some pressure on the system.  There is no turning back in this Renaissance.

Peace, Hotep, Islam, Shalom

PS: Ukraine is a U.S. financed coup, as usual. I salute all Ukrainian readers of this blog, I noted 20  just this week. Your alphabet has 33 letters for a reason! світ