
Book - table of contents

Dear estimated readers,

I am happy to announce that my book will be ready to order in approx. 14 days.
You will find another post here when everything is ready!!

As a teaser, below the table of contents.

For a number of reasons, the book will be fairly high priced. The main reasons are that 1) the contents are truly priceless, 2) I am unwilling to divulge the contents for less money and 3) I dont want this work to go into profanity, but only sell it to those truth seekers that are serious.

you can always write to me under panamajack68@hotmail.com or leave a comment.

take care and be well,

Table of contents

1       Syncretic Introduction                                                              8

I.      TOOL KIT
2       Science, Truth and Evidence                                                    10
3       Cosmological Toolkit                                                                 18
4       Astrological Toolkit                                                                    29
5       Exegesis Toolkit                                                                          59

6       The Sol Cycle                                                                              76
7       Stories from the Sol Cycle                                                        103
8       Greek Mythology                                                                       116
9       Roman Mythology                                                                     178
10     Hebrew Juda-ism                                                                       199
11     Christian-ism                                                                               233
12     Islam-ism                                                                                     288
13     Freemasonry                                                                               306
14     Fairy Tales - the Märchen                                                         318
15     Astrology in Classic Art and Literature                                   356
16     Astrology in Modern Life                                                          396

17     The Nilotic System                                                                     414
18     Practical Application                                                                  445
19     The Author´s Birth Chart                                                           470       
20     Library                                                                                          471

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