LUCID DEATH - the mystery of Egyptian funeral rites revealed
Why did Egyptians mummify corpses of deceased rulers, fill their tombs with treasures , scrolls and sacred carvings?
Was there a practical meaning behind these practices?
Yes! indeed there was....
I am happy to propose a solution for yet another formidable riddle of human history, one that fascinates young and old people alike around the world. Eschatology is something we all sooner or later start thinking about....
Below you find in simple words, what in my view our "Egyptologist" 5-senses based, materialist, "dividers" (scientists) have failed to understand over the last few hundred years.
At the height of enlightened Egyptian culture, and I am talking about thousands of years before any so-called dynastic ruler was installed, society aimed at providing people an incentive to live such a life, and to prepare for death, in a way that would reward spiritual efforts and specifically allow highly developed minds to break the incarnation cycle. The idea was to make the best out of what has been given, to utilize the physical life to plant certain spiritual seeds that would grow spiritual plants after physical death and which could be reaped in the hidden land "Amenta".
Egyptian Paradise was correctly located at 12.00 o'clock noon on the zodiac wheel, in Cancer, NUN meant "nothing", compare English no-on(e), (nobody) because at this stage in the soul cycle, the individual soul spark "comes home" to the celestial Beehive (constellation), where individual soul sparks join to form peaceful unity. Cancer is a female sign. It is Jerusalem, "heaven", Elysian fields, cloud 9.
Later male-crazy, anti-female, maliscious, ego and power driven priests moved paradise by precisely 90 degrees to the male sign Aries, where the sun exalts and Mars rules. The big problem with this is that within the Zodiacal soul cycle, Aries still lies within physical life, it is a male sign and is therefore located on Earth! So the priests who designed the Abrahamic religions relocated Paradise to Earth, and this is a detrimental, egoistical approach, because in physical form, our souls are not vested equally and some are born privileged and others poor. Hebrew Paradise is therefore directly connected to egoism, to war (Mars rules) and Darwinian concepts (Sun exalts, the stronger may exploit the weaker). Egyptian Paradise required individual efforts during physical life to reach Paradise after death, Abrahamic Paradise means to seek Paradise during physical life.....and this, as we can see when we look into the world today, works best if you enslave other people and let them work for you (through fiat money and usury, for example).
Egyptian Paradise was located in heavenly peace, Abrahamic (Jewish, Christian, Moslem) Paradise is currently located in earthly unrest. Can you see the difference? Can you see what is wrong with our spiritual systems? Can you see that the problems in our world today are based on erroneous spiritual mindset?
The female element is heavily surpressed in all Abrahamic religions, precisely with the intent of making males the earthly rulers.
Let's get back to the idea of LUCID DEATH -
The goal of spiritual practices in ancient times was to end the cyclicity of incarnational learning in the fastest and most effective way. People leading a non-spiritual life on physcial Earth were considered to be the "walking dead".
African spiritual masters observed that people are born here on the physical plane with a case of total amnesia; we enter flesh and cannot recall our astral identity and origin, which lies outside the Earth firmament (so-called solar system, misnomer). Our astral identity lies dormant during physical life - it is not dead, but lies dormant. By observing nature, the sages correctly deducted, that in all cycles of natural and universal life, seeming opposites always form complementary axises. So, if we enter physical flesh and do not recall our astral identity, the complementary must be true when we exit the physical and enter the astral. Once we exhale our last breath ("give up the ghost/ ghust" in Gemini), we return to the astral realm in Cancer, but we lose memory of the physical life that we just finished, and have to continue existence in pre-set cycles that are outisde of our control.
All near-death experiences involve the "walking towards the light". This is logical, because walking towards the light means to stay within the realm of Helios, our sun. The people who have near-death experiences walk back to this light, because they are actually NOT dead and return to their physical life. Walking towards the light means to stay imprisoned.
Ignorance means helpless rounds within predetermined cycles.
Gnosis (knowledge, death, da'ath) means to end cyclicity and to be free.
Furthermore the sages of old correctly observed that we have a symbiotic relationship with the universe, in the way that we walk our stars during the day, i.e. we follow our fate and destiny, but during the night we provide feedback to the astral through our dreams, as feedback loop, because in our derams our true character is revealed. By natural law, this fedback loop must have a complementary counterpart in the astral part of the soul cycle, in other words we must somehow be able to (re-) connect to the physical world after physical death. Why should we be interested in this? To control our destiny!
The key would be the spiritual counterpart to lucid dreaming at night: lucid dreaming occurs when the sleeper realizes while dreaming that he is dreaming, and thus gains control over the dream. The same idea applies after physical death: the deceased "shade" must realize that it has just ended physical life and thus gains control over death (knowledge).
This is the concept that I call LUCID DEATH.
As far as I can see, achieving lucid death this was the purpose of the "opening of the mouth" ritual (see picture above), which was aimed at the Medulla Oblongata ("mouth of god") and bringing back memory of the physical life that had just been finished. The decaeased would now remember his "past life", while being in Amenta.
Tomb gifts were therefore intended to help the shade to recall Hekau words, and such Hekau words were intonations to impress instructions upon the life spirit through resonnance.
So the logical task at hand was to surround the dead body of a deceased Asar-level ruler with objects that were venerated and used during life and to make available on the tomb walls the most important spells and specifically the Hekau (words of power) that needed to be remembered or recited. The deceased would also have near his body a copy of his personalized "Book of the Dead" (e.g. Papyrus of Ani, see one page above).
Death, as we know it today in Western culture, is based purely on ignorance!
There is no death in nature, only cycles of growth and decay.
The incarnation process itself has been midunderstood by many cultures and also major spiritual systems and some otherwise enlightened individuals. Even the otherwise great European mind Plato fell for the trap, because "past life memories" refer to events in Amenta ("hidden land"), and not to events in physical life! Metempsychosis means that elemental and totemic (group) souls assume different life forms within the Zodiac Wheel. This is on totemic and elemental basis only - it does not mean that the individualized human soul may lead life after life! This mostly Buddhist/ Hindu teaching is heavily flawed and detrimental to our self-understanding, because if we could incarnate again and again, this one present life would actually be completely meaningless. Of course, this is what modern people are made to believe, but they could not be further away from the truth...
Your body is the kingdom of the allmighty.
Planet Earth is the school of deity.
THIS LIFE is your appearance here in the human shape and in this realm, be well advised to consider this a one-time opportunity! The stage is yours!
As we currently have lost the spriitual technology that Egypt had developed, what are we to do? Well, it is part of our lesson to re-learn past spiritual technologies in this part of the Great Year, the Age of Aquarius which is an air age, thus spiritual. Aquarius is also a technological age - our learning is currently, as you may have realized, that electronic technology and machines can be very dangerous and detrimental for us and even destroy us.
But Aquarius is also the age of Uranus, ruler of astrology and many more people will be born with the gift of understanding the master science - which is eternally astrology and nothing but astrology.
Be well, PEACE!!
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